
Regular Maintenance Tasks to Accomplish in Your Rental Home Business

As a rental property owner, keeping up with regular maintenance tasks is crucial to avoid any costly surprises down the road. Not only that, but consistent upkeep will also help you attract and retain quality tenants. But many homeowners don’t know where to start regarding their rental property maintenance plan. With that in mind, here are some regular maintenance tasks that you should be sure to accomplish in your rental business:

1. Inspect the exterior of your rental property regularly.

Look for any cracks in the foundation or damage to the roof/gutters. These areas are especially vulnerable to the elements and can easily be overlooked. They can also become major repair projects if left unattended. You want to be sure that all exterior areas are in good condition and that any potential issues are addressed immediately.

A good rule of thumb is to check the exterior of your property at least once a month. A thorough inspection of the outer property should check for any signs of wear and tear, cracks, damages, discoloration, holes, and anything else that could be a potential problem. Don’t forget to look for signs of pest infestation or damage.

2. Perform a maintenance check on all appliances.

Because appliances are used regularly, it’s essential to ensure they’re in good working condition. This includes the refrigerator, oven, washer, dryer, and other appliances on the property. You want to ensure they’re not leaking fluids or producing strange noises. You should also check the hoses and filters for any signs of wear and tear.

Another critical thing to check is your boiler. Boilers are essential to providing hot water and heating, so you want to keep them in good working condition. It would be best if you worked with professional boiler services annually to ensure that the boiler works correctly and efficiently. These experts can also check for any signs of corrosion, which can lead to more significant problems in the future if not taken care of.

3. Regularly clean and declutter common areas.

Common areas such as hallways, stairwells, and lobbies should be kept clean and free of clutter at all times. Doing this will help keep your property looking neat and professional and will make a good impression on potential tenants. Vacuum carpets and mop floors regularly, dust surfaces, clean windows, and remove any unwanted items from the property.

If you have any common outdoor areas, such as patios or gardens, these should also be regularly checked and maintained. Remove any leaves and debris, trim back any overgrown plants or grass, and check for any broken items in the area. Some people may also want to pressure wash patios and walkways to make them look more inviting. You also want to ensure that there are no areas of standing water, as these can become breeding grounds for pests.

A repairman using a hammer and nails to repair wooden floor boards

4. Stay on top of small repairs around the rental property.

Things like loose doorknobs, sticky cabinets, and broken light fixtures are all easy (and inexpensive) fixes that can make a big difference in how tenants perceive your rental property. Be sure to address any minor repairs as soon as you become aware of them, and be proactive about checking for any possible problems.

This will help to ensure that any potential issues are taken care of before they become more serious (and expensive) problems. Plus, it will make your tenants feel like you care about their comfort and safety, which is always a plus. They’ll be more likely to renew their lease and refer your rental property to friends or family if they feel like it’s being well taken care of.

5. Respond quickly to any maintenance requests.

When it comes to rental property management, one of the most important things you can do is respond quickly and efficiently to maintenance requests from tenants. The quicker you can address any issues, the better. Not only will this help to ensure that your tenants feel taken care of, but it will also help to prevent any potential problems from escalating.

In addition to responding quickly, you should also ensure that you follow up with your tenants after the maintenance is complete. This will let them know that you took care of their requests and will also help build trust between you and your tenants. Keeping your tenants happy is key to having a successful rental property.

By taking care of regular maintenance tasks in your rental business, you can avoid costly surprises while also attracting and retaining quality tenants. While you should do some tasks monthly or quarterly, you can accomplish others more frequently. By staying on top of routine maintenance, you’ll be able to keep your rental property in tip-top shape!

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