
woman hand over the purchased item with care

How to Expand Your Business Network Within the Community

It’s no secret that building strong relationships is essential to growing a successful business. After all, your network is full of potential customers, collaborators, and advocates for your brand. But where do you start? If you’re like most small business owners, you probably don’t have the time (or budget) to attend industry events or schmooze […]

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Mother working while caring for child

Focus on Kids: What Health Incentives to Add for Employees

Employees are the backbone of any organization. Keeping employees healthy and motivated is essential to a company’s success. One way to achieve this is by offering health incentives. According to the National Business Group on Health, “Offering wellness incentives can result in significant cost savings for employers. The average employer spends $1,023 per employee annually

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Business event planning

Hosting a Business Event: What You Need

Corporate events play a significant role in every business. They are essential for networking, marketing, and strategizing. According to reports from Statista, 64 percent of global enterprises use events to measure the effectiveness of their business efforts. However, organizing a corporate event can be overwhelming. You need to consider several factors and accomplishing these alone can be challenging.

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we care

The Reflection of Company Values on Their Activity in Community Service

Companies need to be involved in community service because it allows them to give back to the community that has supported their growth. Additionally, it can help build brand awareness and goodwill among consumers. When a company is seen as actively involved in the community, it can make consumers more likely to do business with

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