logistics personnel looking at a file

Fuel Efficiency: Ensuring Your Fleet’s Safety from Petrol Theft

Even though the pandemic has triggered an overall decrease in the prices of petrol, fuel costs are still high for fleets. Because of this, there’s a need to save on petrol consumption. However, would you even be able to achieve it in the face of fuel theft, due to which you may pay much more than what you use? Ensure that your fleet is as safe as possible from such an incident through these measures.

Monitor Every Transaction

Fuel is the biggest expense when it comes to transport fleets, so it’s only right that you start monitoring it. While back then, it may have been a pipe dream to do so, it’s more feasible nowadays. Fuel management systems are available, and they can help provide you with real-time data of your fleet’s transactions as well as petrol levels. It will enable you to make the necessary computations and determine whether it’s possible that you’re being stolen from or not.

Increase Physical Security

Petrol thieves are very much like any other kind. The only difference is what they are stealing, which is fuel from vehicles. Increasing the level of security in your facility will help reduce the likelihood of them committing any crimes within your premises. Invest in measures such as security cameras and additional lights to increase visibility. After all, these make it more difficult to proceed with their acts. However, if they still do not prevent such occurrences, these can assist in catching the criminals when they do succeed in stealing petrol.

Educate Drivers

driver about to ride his truckThis kind of situation is not just your problem but of everyone in the fleet. Drivers will suffer on their trips when they find that they don’t have enough to make it through. And any decent one of them wouldn’t want to be suspected of a crime they did not commit. Encourage them to adopt helpful habits, such as parking in such a way that there is limited access to their fuel tanks. Also, informing them of the situation will prompt them to be more alert for any suspicious activity and help you with prevention.

Set and Enforce Strict Policies

You cannot deny the possibility that theft might come from within the fleet. Because of this, you need to come up with strict policies and protocols, so that any anomalies will be easier to detect. Of course, do not forget the impact that rewards and incentives make on employees. They’ll become more motivated to follow your guidelines and even report suspicious activity when they know that they will be rewarded in the end. It can be difficult for you to implement, but they are for everyone’s sake.

Thefts, even while they’re done in small amounts at a time, can easily add up when it comes to costs. And these can affect your business negatively when you let it be. Even when you don’t think that you have any cases in your area, it’s still wise to take measures to prevent any from happening. There may be some expenses on your part, but at least they’re costs that you’re aware of.

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