
Security Options for Businesses Today

Theft is one of the main threats to any business. For some small businesses, its prevention can mean a huge difference in terms of profit. Although businesses are less likely to be burgled compared to residential homes, it can still happen. Unfortunately, shoplifting is responsible for 35.55% of lost sales, making it the largest source of loss, according to a U.S. survey. This is followed by a 24.54% loss due to employee theft. On the other hand, information is another asset that needs protecting. Because of its intangible nature, it requires different measures for security.

With the right tools and equipment, events like this can be minimized and prevented. Here are some anti-theft security options businesses can integrate into their operations.

Install a Biometric System

A biometric system serves as a means to verify the identity of an employee and other people of the organization or company. Unlike passwords and passcodes, this form of authentication is more personalized and personal. It requires the person themselves to grant access. Its undeniable proof of identification, which is effective in warding off identity theft. In a security sense, it prevents unauthorized access to those that don’t have a record in the database. Common forms of biometric scanning involve fingerprints and face recognition.

Get Silent Alarms

A silent alarm button, commonly called a panic button, is an efficient, safe, and hidden way to call for emergency help. This can be very useful in times of high tension. With just a press of the button, the emergency signal reaches internal security or the monitoring company to notify the police.

Station Security Stands

Even with your staff on the floor and security measures in place, it’s always best to apply extra measures. When it comes to displaying valuable merchandise like phones, laptops, and other gadgets, it’s best to secure them with security stands. These keep devices and other items prone to theft from being stolen. The stand is mounted to the table, tethering the merchandise to it.

Invest in CCTV  Cameras


Running a business is busy as it is. Keeping employees, customers, and assets safe is one of many priorities. But having a commercial CCTV system installed gives you one less thing to worry about. While everyone is busy fulfilling their roles and functions, they can do so while having peace of mind.

Many businesses, institutions, and government agencies today utilize CCTV cameras for security and surveillance purposes. They’re easy to install and function from day to night, keeping an out for suspicious activity. Should anything untoward happen, CCTV cameras document everything, which strongly aids the investigation.

Keep Close Tabs on Inventory

Speaking of protecting merchandise from being stolen, it’s important to protect it from internal theft too. Although this is an unfortunate fact, employee theft happens too. According to a 2016 survey, shoplifting and employee theft were the largest causes of inventory loss.

Other times, discrepancies in stocks are caused by a faulty inventory system. To resolve any of these from happening, implement a sound inventory system. Fortunately, there are apps and software that track inventories efficiently and seamlessly. This way, you’ll have some insight as to what caused the discrepancy.

Install Automatic Door Locks

Automatic door locks come in mechanical and electronic types. They lock immediately upon closing, with no keys necessary. With electronic locks, locks can be managed remotely. Additionally, they can be integrated with security systems, biometric systems, fire alarm systems, and panic hardware to block access or release of individuals during times of emergency. This is ideal and convenient for rooms that contain important things, such as documents and files.

Integrate a Data Cloud

With businesses becoming more information-oriented, data is a valuable resource worth protecting. This intangible resource covers personnel data, trade secrets, and more. Every business should employ a storage cloud to automate data storage, utilization, and security. By safeguarding your data, you safeguard your business too. In addition, have cybersecurity software for protection against malware and other threats.

Physical documents should be treated with the same level of security. Stolen or lost documents are just as bad as digital threats. Store these documents in a locked file cabinet or designate a room solely to store them. Allow only a few selected employees to have authorized access to this room.

Implementing security measures seems costly at first, but remember that losing merchandise, getting a security breach, and discovering discrepancies in inventory are more costly. These incidents not only result in a loss of earnings, but they also take time to recover from. As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure.

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