
What to Automate for Your Business: The Best Areas

  • Automation can help businesses stay competitive by improving efficiency, accuracy and reducing costs.
  • Accounting and finance is often the first area to get automated due to its critical role.
  • Human Resources processes can be streamlined for improved security, compliance, and employee data tracking.
  • Automated customer service systems can provide valuable insights into customer behavior.
  • Marketing automation helps businesses reduce the manual labor associated with campaigns and track real-time results.

As technology advances, businesses have had to keep up with the times to remain competitive. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, as of 2016-17, 95.6% of all businesses reported using a computer or information technology for their core business activities. This figure has steadily increased from 84.8% in 2011-12, demonstrating how integral technology has become for modern businesses.

Automation can help businesses stay technologically competitive by streamlining processes, improving efficiency and accuracy, and reducing costs. Automating mundane tasks can also free up valuable resources so employees can focus on more strategic initiatives instead of wasting time on repetitive tasks. Studies have shown that automation can increase productivity by up to 10%, reduce operational costs by 30 percent or more, and improve customer experience significantly.

However, you might not know what to automate for your business, making you struggle with deciding what processes to streamline. To help you make a decision, here are some of the best areas for automation:

Accounting and Finance

cashflow distribution

Accounting and finance is often the first division to get automated due to its central role in businesses. Automating accounting and finance processes can help companies to save time, money, and resources while increasing accuracy in tracking financial data. Automation provides an efficient way to manage various tasks, from payroll processing and invoicing to accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Here are some areas within accounting and finance that can benefit from automation:

Payroll Processing

Automating payroll processing allows businesses to reduce manual errors by creating more accurate and up-to-date employee pay slips. Automation also makes it easier for employers to keep track of employee hours worked, as well as bonus payments or deductions. You can also get professional payroll services to process your payroll for you. They have the ability to work on those automation software and ensure your payroll processing remains smooth.


Using automated invoicing systems helps businesses streamline their billing process, allowing them to quickly generate customer invoices with accurate information such as taxes, discounts, and payment terms. Automated invoicing also makes it easier for customers to track payments, view invoice details, or generate reports on their past purchases.

Accounts Receivable

Automating accounts receivable management saves time by accurately tracking customer payments, sending reminders of overdue payments, and managing collections on delinquent accounts. Automated systems also provide businesses with real-time insights into their cash flow situation so they can make informed decisions about their finances.

Accounts Payable

Automating accounts payable eliminates manual data entry work associated with entering supplier invoices into the system and verifying that all information is correct before paying out suppliers. Automation also improves efficiency by providing reminders when bills are due or payment terms have not been met so businesses promptly stay on top of their financial commitments.

Human Resources

Automating HR processes can help businesses manage employee data efficiently and accurately by making tracking employees’ attendance, vacation time, payroll information, and performance reviews easier. Automation also helps employers streamline their recruitment process by providing automated tools for searching job boards for qualified candidates and creating digital onboarding forms that eliminate the need for paperwork.

Furthermore, automating HR processes can improve security and compliance by ensuring all employee information is securely stored in a secure system. This prevents confidential data from being exposed to unauthorized individuals or compromised due to human error.

Customer Service

a person watching on their computer

Automating customer service can help businesses increase efficiency by reducing manual tasks and streamlining support operations. Automation can also improve customer satisfaction by providing customers with more convenient ways to interact with the business, such as through chatbots or automated email responses. Automated customer service systems can also provide valuable insights into customer behavior that companies can use to improve their services.


Marketing automation allows businesses to reduce the manual labor associated with marketing campaigns, such as creating content, running ads, and tracking results. Automation also enables companies to track customer behavior in real-time to know the most effective times for sending promotional materials or running special offers. Furthermore, automation provides detailed analytics on campaign performance, which helps marketers better understand what works and what doesn’t.

Final Thoughts

These are just some areas businesses can automate to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and make more informed decisions. Automation is an essential tool for modern companies, so it’s important to understand where to focus your automation efforts to get the most out of it. With proper implementation, automation can be a crucial asset for any business.

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