
The Biggest Roadblocks To Manufacturing Success

If you’re in the manufacturing business, chances are you’ve run into your fair share of roadblocks. Downtime, for example, can really put a damper on things. In fact, downtime is one of the most common and costly roadblocks that manufacturing businesses face. Other common roadblocks include a lack of skilled workers, outdated equipment, and regulatory compliance. Let’s take a closer look at each of these roadblocks and how you can overcome them:


Downtime in a manufacturing business is an issue that can cause stress for employers and lower profits for the company. It can occur for various reasons, including machine breakdowns, lack of parts, glitches in programming, and energy shutdowns, which may all cause production to come to a standstill. In addition, labor-related issues such as strikes, illness, and absenteeism can also lead to downtime. You must be on guard against such occurrences to ensure your business runs smoothly.

Finding ways to better monitor the workflow of machines is one solution – tracking trends in performance and taking preemptive maintenance steps could help reduce the severity of any disruptions. Additionally, investing in better equipment with enhanced tech support may reduce downtime by anticipating problems and troubleshooting them quickly and easily. Understanding the different potential sources of downtime — whether related to manpower or machines — is essential in preventing them from occurring or minimizing their duration when they do arise. Doing so can help keep your business running efficiently while providing excellent customer service.

Lack of skilled workers

Manufacturing employees

Another common roadblock that manufacturing businesses face is a lack of skilled workers. This problem is compounded by the fact that many baby boomers are retiring and taking their years of experience and knowledge with them. The solution to this problem is twofold: first, invest in training programs for your existing employees to develop the skills they need to succeed. Second, tap into new sources of talent by recruiting recent graduates from trade schools or community colleges. These new hires will bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your business and help fill the skills gap within your workforce.

You should also take advantage of automation solutions to help perform tasks that may be too complex or time-consuming for your employees. You can keep production levels high without relying solely on human workers. When investing in automation, ensure you have the best industrial sensors on the market. These will ensure that your machines work correctly and provide the most accurate readings. You can get quality sensors from trusted brands like Sensors Incorporated. They offer a wide range of sensors, including proximity, light, voltage, and other sensors designed to help manufacturers optimize their production processes. You can browse their inventory at Here, you’ll find all the tools you need to overcome the roadblocks that may hamper your success.

Outdated equipment

Outdated equipment can lead to increased downtime and decreased productivity. It can also result in lower-quality products and higher scrap rates. To stay competitive, it’s essential to invest in new equipment when it becomes available. But don’t just buy any new machine—make sure it will help you achieve your business goals.

You should also consider investing in software solutions that will help you streamline your processes and better use your existing equipment. Software such as cloud-based data management systems can help you better analyze and understand your production data, allowing you to make strategy changes quickly and easily. In addition to software solutions, having the correct support services is essential. For example, having an IT team remotely monitor your systems can help you stay on top of potential problems and respond quickly and effectively.

Regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliance can be a significant challenge for manufacturers. Federal and state laws that govern the manufacturing industry are complex and often change, making it challenging to stay up-to-date on the latest legal requirements. Fortunately, there are resources available to help you navigate this complicated landscape. For example, many trade organizations offer educational programs that teach employers about the latest legislative changes. Additionally, many online databases can help you stay up-to-date on industry regulations.

If you run into compliance issues, it’s important to work with an experienced regulatory lawyer who can help you understand your legal obligations and develop a plan for addressing any compliance problems. Finally, it’s essential to have a robust compliance program that includes regular audits and employee training. This will help you stay on top of potential problems and ensure that your organization complies with industry regulations.

Overall, there are many different roadblocks that manufacturers may face as they work to build their businesses. By being aware of common issues such as downtime, a lack of skilled workers, outdated equipment, and regulatory compliance problems, you can better position your company to overcome these challenges and continue growing and succeeding.

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