a boss and employee

Filed with Wrongful Termination? What Employees Can Do

It can be incredibly unfair to lose your job without any warning, especially when your performance and results are above standards for the company. If this has happened to you, you may be wondering if there’s anything you can do about it.

You might have legal recourse if you were wrongfully terminated from your job, meaning that you were fired without just cause or in violation of your employment contract. You can file a wrongful termination lawsuit against your former employer, seeking damages for lost wages and other losses.

Generally speaking, employees who get fired without reasonable cause get terminated for reasons unrelated to their job performance. For example, if you get fired because of your race, religion, or gender, this would be considered firing without just cause. Similarly, if you are fired in retaliation for whistle-blowing or filing a complaint against your employer, this would also be regarded as firing without reasonable cause.

If you believe that you got wrongfully terminated from your job, there are a few things that you can do.

Gather Evidence

When you feel wrongfully terminated, it is vital to establish a stable defense. It means gathering evidence that proves you were a compliant and well-performing employee. It can be challenging to do, as your employer may try to paint you in a bad light. However, having evidence on your side can make it much more difficult for them to fire you without just cause.

You can talk to your managers or team members who can vouch for your performance and results. Their statements can help prove that you got wrongfully terminated.

If your employer has an employee handbook, review the policies to see if your termination goes against company procedures. For example, if the company requires employees to give two weeks’ notice before quitting, but you did not get this opportunity, this would violate company policy.

Similarly, if your contract states that you can only get fired for specific reasons (such as poor performance), your employer would need evidence to back up their claims. They may have breached the contract by firing you without cause if they don’t.

Gathering evidence can be time-consuming, but it is worth it if you want to prove that you did get wrongfully terminated from your job.

Get an Employment Lawyer

An employment lawyer taking on your case

Even if you have evidence to support your case, going up against your former employer can be daunting. They may have a team of lawyers working on their behalf, and you will likely need legal assistance to level the playing field.

An employment lawyer can review your case and help you determine the best course of action. They can also negotiate with your employer on your behalf and represent you in court if necessary.

Filing a wrongful termination lawsuit is a big decision; you should not take it lightly. However, if you believe you got wrongfully terminated from your job, an employment lawyer can help you get the justice you deserve.

However, it can be expensive to get an employment lawyer. Other options are available if you don’t have the money to hire one.

You can contact your local bar association or look online for free or low-cost legal assistance. Some law schools also offer free or reduced-fee clinics where you can get help from law students. Some companies also provide free employment mediation services if they find out you do not have legal representation.

File a Complaint

Suppose you believe you got wrongfully terminated because of discrimination. In that case, you can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that attends to anti-discrimination complaints in workspaces.

To file a complaint, you must fill out an intake questionnaire. Once the EEOC reviews your case, they will decide whether or not to investigate your claim further. If they find evidence of discrimination, they may take legal action against your employer on your behalf.

The EEOC complaint process can be long and complicated, so it is essential to consult with an experienced employment lawyer before taking action.

Make a Claim

If you got fired without reasonable cause, you might be able to file a claim with the state labor board. The labor board is responsible for enforcing labor laws and investigating wrongful termination claims.

To make a claim, you must fill out a complaint form and submit it to the labor board. The labor board will then investigate your claim and decide whether or not to take action against your employer.

Filing a claim with the labor board can be complicated, so it is essential to consult with an experienced employment lawyer before taking action.


If you got wrongfully terminated, you have options. You can gather evidence to support your case, file a complaint with the EEOC, or make a claim with the labor board. You might also want to consult with an experienced employment lawyer to get started. No matter your route, taking action can help you get the justice you deserve.

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