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5 Details You Will See in an Excellent Landing Page

A landing page is any page on a website that a brand’s audience lands on. What successful SEO service agencies do is ensure that audiences reach your website or landing page, but your website needs to have specific characteristics to ensure that your web visitors become customers.

A good landing page is essential to achieving your goals. Without an effective landing page, guests will not be compelled to do a specific action—like subscribing or buying. Here are the five characteristics of a landing page that incites your audience to action.

Clear and specific calls-to-action (CTA)

A call-to-action is exactly as its name suggests: It’s a caption or copy written specifically to convince a web page visitor to take a specific step or action. Some examples include:

  • Downloading a file
  • Subscribing to a newsletter
  • Buying a product or service
  • Contacting your customer service

An excellent and effective CTA does the following:

  • It begins with an imperative, which means that the language used must be authoritative, persuasive, strong, and maximizes action verbs like “join,” “click,” or “shop.”
  • Makes the >action appear low-risk so that the audience doesn’t feel like they’re immediately committing to anything heavy and long-term.
  • Has a sense of urgency and maximizes a reader’s sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).
  • Pops off the page—which is where good web design comes in. The CTA must be the first thing that catches the reader’s eye.

A proper separation between sections of content

One of the worst things you can do for your landing page is to create a wall of text because it is common knowledge that internet users don’t read long texts, and even if they do, they won’t do so to the end. Once you capture your audience’s attention, you need to keep it, and the way to do that is by separating sections of content. Here are the sections that every good landing page needs to have:

  • The main headline and supporting headline
  • A selling proposition that other brands do not offer
  • Key features and benefits
  • Visual representation of how the products or services are used
  • Testimonials or social proofs
  • A statement that reinforces why your brand is better than the rest and the features you offer that others don’t
  • Closing argument, which is your final opportunity to communicate the advantages of your offer
  • CTA

Once you have these sections down pat, make sure that they are properly separated through an aesthetically pleasing and satisfying web template that would compel your reader to keep scrolling.

Straightforward and concise content

This is not the time to use complex words like writing a university dissertation. It’s not that we underestimate our customers or dumb down our language for them; it’s about ensuring that every word we use is accessible to everybody. Make your captions simple and easily accessible for anyone who might come across your landing page.

Clean text and design


Using simple language will not help you go far if your design choices for the captions are difficult to read or too avant-garde. When in doubt, just go for a design choice that allows for a healthy dose of line height and letter spacing. Go for a neutral color palette, like white, black, gray, and others in this color spectrum. Neutral doesn’t have to mean boring, and with the right design style that remains true to your brand’s visual identity, you can establish a landing page that is easy to navigate and understand.

Good command of visual information

An excellent landing page uses images and maximizes them so that they perfectly complement the captions. Do not underestimate how a photo or a video can influence and define your landing page’s overall message. The best part is that you don’t even need to keep yourself boxed in photos and videos; you can also use a chart, diagram, and even an infographic.

Aside from your writing, your brand also needs to bolster your command of visual language and information—how to use colors to speak to the audience and how to use visual content to evoke a certain feeling or get people to take a certain step.

Your landing page can make or break your web visitor’s decision to follow your CTA. Invest in your landing page so that your users will always be compelled to take a certain step, and make sure your brand’s product or service is worth that trust. This, along with good SEO practices, will surely help your brand reach its goals faster.

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