man with bun working on laptop with headphones in neck in an open plan office

Designing an Open-Office Plan for Productivity and Impact

    • Start by identifying your goals for the open-office plan, such as increasing collaboration or efficiency. 
    • Designate areas within the office to provide employees with clear expectations and enough space for everyone. 
    • Utilize wall murals, privacy screens, standing desks, and whiteboards to create a pleasant work environment while also improving efficiency. 
    • Make use of natural light and color to energize the office and signal different types of activity happening in the space. 

Open-office plans are becoming increasingly common in the workplace. Many companies are turning to them in an effort to foster collaboration, increase productivity, and make the most of limited space. However, designing an effective open-office plan is much more than just throwing out partitions and rearranging furniture; it requires careful thought and planning. Here are some tips on how you can do that.

Start With Your Goals

Before you start rearranging furniture, it’s crucial to think about what you want to achieve with your open-office plan. Do you want to promote collaboration, increase efficiency, or create a positive work environment?

Knowing your goals will help guide your decision-making when it comes time to design the layout of the office. For instance, if you’re looking to increase collaboration, you might opt for a more open design with fewer partitions. On the other hand, if you want to emphasize efficiency, it might be better to use furniture arrangements and other elements that will allow employees to focus on their work without distractions.

If possible, consult with your employees to get their input on what would best meet their needs and make them feel comfortable. This will ensure that your plan aligns with what the office people actually need.

three people discussing the layout and goals for the office design while eating

Designate Areas For Different Tasks

When designing an open-office plan, it’s important to designate areas for different tasks, such as brainstorming, individual work, and meetings. This will give employees clear expectations about where they should be working at any given time and ensure that there is enough space for everyone in the office.

Additionally, designated areas for different activities can help boost morale by providing employees with space that caters to their needs. For example, if you have a meeting area, you can install comfortable chairs or couches to make meetings more inviting and efficient.

Furthermore, investing in furniture that can be easily rearranged (like modular sofas or rolling chairs) will make it easier for employees to reconfigure the office layout as needed. Make sure to include plenty of power outlets so that laptops and other devices can be easily plugged in.

Decorate with Purpose

Decorating an open-office plan should go beyond just adding a few plants and posters. While creating a pleasant work environment is important, there are also practical ways to use decor to improve efficiency and productivity. Here are some creative ideas:

Accent Wall Murals

Wall murals can be used to transition between different areas of the office, such as a brainstorming corner or a place for collaborative work. Additionally, they can help make the space more visually appealing and energizing. To hit two birds with one stone, you can use tropical art as an inspiration to also evoke the presence of nature in the office. This has been proven to have a calming effect on employees and can even increase productivity.

Privacy Screens

Privacy screens can be used to create a sense of separation between different areas while still allowing light to flow through. This is a handy feature if you’re looking to create quieter spaces where people can concentrate on their work without distraction. Additionally, they can prevent sounds from carrying across the entire office space and provide much-needed visual breaks.

Standing Desks

Investing in standing desks will give employees an option to stand while working, which can help boost energy and focus. Not to mention, standing desks can also help reduce back pain and improve posture.

Whiteboards for Brainstorming

Having large whiteboards installed around the office will give employees a place to easily jot down ideas and notes. This is especially great for brainstorming or collaborative work, as it encourages employees to think creatively and exchange ideas.

person using whiteboard to plan for mobile website interface

Make Use Of Natural Light And Color

Natural light has been shown to positively affect productivity and mood in the workplace, so try to use natural light when possible. This will not only make the office brighter and more inviting, but it will also reduce energy costs.

Additionally, you can use color to add a visual element to the open-office plan. For example, adding pops of bright colors throughout the space will help energize the office and create an inspiring work environment.

Moreover, color can signal different areas of the office, such as red for collaboration zones or blue for individual work. This will help employees quickly identify what type of activity is happening in a given space and enable them to adjust their workflow accordingly.

Creating an effective open-office plan is no easy feat. However, with careful planning and thoughtful consideration of employee needs, it is possible to craft one that is both productive and impactful. By starting with your goals in mind, designating areas for different tasks, decorating with purpose, and making use of natural light and color, you can create an office that fosters collaboration while also boosting morale and productivity among employees.

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