girl being adopted

How to Prepare Before Adopting a New Member of the Family

Building a family is an exciting and beautiful journey that adoptive parents must enjoy. Parents opt to adopt a baby or a kid for different reasons. Some people adopt a child to share their overflowing love. And some people adopt because they aren’t blessed enough to carry offspring of their own.

This article will discuss the roller coaster ride of adopting a child and the things you need to prepare. Aside from knowing the legal process of taking a child home, it would be best if you also prepared your home for a new bundle of joy. Becoming an adoptive parent isn’t easy, but it will all be worth it when things fall into place.

Guidelines in Adopting A Child

Collect Information

Before anything else, you need to guarantee that you qualify to be an adoptive parent. The best way to start the entire process is by reading books and articles about adoption. If possible, seek legal advice from anĀ experienced family lawyer. After you determine your eligibility to adopt, find some time to check the agencies in your area.

But you don’t have to commit yourself to any adoption agencies yet. At this point, you can collect information about the process and the fees to pay. Getting knowledge from different agencies will give you a greater scope of the entire process.

Check Your Finances

Adoption is not cheap. But the good news is that there are ways for you to prepare for the expenses. This doesn’t mean that you have to be rich to adopt. However, you have to be financially stable to be a parent. The agency will only allow you if they see that you can take care of another person without the child being a burden.

Furthermore, each type of adoption has different fees. It’s wiser to prepare for the expenses before deciding to adopt a child. Perhaps, years before you adopt, start a fundraising program supported by your loved ones.

Stay Committed

It’s easy to get discouraged after you find out how complicated the adoption process would be. After committing to an agency, the process and paperwork will begin. It’s essential to stay engaged as the process may take months or years, and for some, that is a pretty long time to wait.

But on the bright side, the long process would give you the time to prepare and submit all the required documents. One of the biggest mistakes of adoptive parents is not presenting the requirements on time, causing them to lose their chance to adopt a child.

Be Prepared- Emotionally and Mentally

Going through the process doesn’t necessarily mean that you will take the child home for sure. The process allows the agency to do its job, including background checking, assessing your capabilities, and evaluating your ability to raise a child. Waiting for the agency’s call can be frustrating and complicated, so be sure to be prepared for the worse.

man with adopted son

Preparation Checklist

Suppose that you were approved to adopt a child; what would be your next move? To make sure that the new addition to your family feels loved and secured, you will have to provide everything they need. At this point, you will go shopping. Listed below are the necessities of a child:


In shopping for clothes, you have to buy almost everything. The clothes should include pajamas, shirts, shorts, underwear, and outdoor garments. Your adopted child will also need clothes for different seasons like winter and summer.


Like adults, children need to have different kinds of shoes for various occasions. But to be on the safe side, you may opt to buy the basics first, like running shoes, flip-flops, and boots. Don’t forget to buy some socks too.


Your adopted child will feel most loved if they have their own toys in your home. Children are naturally playful, and toys are essential for their development. However, ensure that you buy toys appropriate for their age.

Hygiene Needs

The most important things to buy are hygiene products. Aside from a hygiene kit that includes a tooth, floss, and toothpaste, you must also provide new towels and bathrobes for their personal use. Hygiene products also include soap and shampoo safe for children.

Many adoptive parents can attest to the fact that adopting a child is a challenging and lengthy process. But with commitment and patience, you will bring home your new child too. While you are still waiting for them to come home, take advantage of the waiting time to prepare yourself, your partner, and your home for all the changes coming your way. In addition, don’t pressure yourself; trust that the agency is doing its job to ensure that you and the child are both ready to start as a family.

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