man working remotely

Four Ways Companies Can Support Their Remote Teams

Companies switch to remote setups for various reasons. Some do it to cut their business costs and save more money, while others choose to do so since their people are asking for it. No matter what’s in it for you, there’s no denying that remote work can positively impact your company in so many ways.

For one, you can expect an increase in your workforce’s productivity. Remote employees can work smarter and harder with fewer distractions given the flexibility. And since remote work setup is an appealing perk to many employees, your company can reduce turnover. Employees tend to stay longer at companies that offer flexible work options. Whether you’re still planning to switch to remote work or you already are, these tips will help you support your team the right way.

1. Help them stay productive

Ideally, providing your employees with a flexible remote schedule helps boost their productivity. However, there are instances wherein the productivity rate may decline for the exact reasons your staff is working from home. This is a natural occurrence that both you and your team should accept. But if we’re talking long term, you’ll need to find a way to improve your team’s performance. One solution is updating your technology.

For instance, you can provide your team with more powerful mini PCs with AMD Ryzen. These computers are known for their high-speed memories and processors that can help your employees perform their tasks without hiccups. You can do performance evaluations to have a clearer idea of how you can specifically help your team stay efficient at work.

2. Maintain active communication

busy man working

Now more than ever, your remote staff needs to feel that they are heard and seen by their managers and business owners. Listening is a crucial part of running an effective team. If your people are having trouble with the tasks or projects on hand, leaders such as yourself should ask and respond. Start active communication by organizing one-on-one or group virtual meetings with your team. Still, this depends on the leaders’ positions and how they work with their teams.

If you’re a department head, you’re expected to talk to your team members on a daily basis. If you’re the CEO, a weekly or monthly catch-up would be enough. Furthermore, ensure your staff receives critical information or announcements on time. You can send out emails or host video meetings if there are changes in projects or there’s a new policy to be implemented.

3. Be empathetic when needed

The empathy gap is a serious issue in many organizations. Thousands of companies say that they are empathetic, but not all of their staff members agree. The fact is, empathy is something that must be practiced and not just an idea. Becoming more empathetic towards your workforce starts with emotional intelligence. You need to first understand the perspectives and feelings of your employees. You need to be able to recognize and acknowledge their thoughts and opinions.

By doing these, you can take more guided actions. Asking questions and listening should be done regularly if you want to drive positive changes in your remote workforce. An empathetic leader knows their people’s concerns, needs, and wishes. Practicing empathy will also be easier for you to create a happier and satisfying work environment for your team and plan for actionable changes.

4. Promote work-life balance

Maintaining a work-life balance is another common problem for many workers, remote or not. While switching to remote work is supposed to be beneficial for this, there are instances wherein your team needs more support. Encourage them to take their breaks and get away from their work desks. They can take a walk, watch TV, or eat a healthy meal. Managers should not also contact their team members during the breaks or force them to delay their lunches to get things done faster. In that case, ensure the workloads are reviewed regularly.

Ask your managers to communicate to their members if they’re overworked. An employee with an unachievable workload is more likely to get stressed or burnout. Allocate work properly so your remote employees can have time for their breaks and other personal matters. If you’re serious about promoting health and wellness in your team, force them to take their time offs, particularly during holidays or special occasions. This is a surefire way to prevent burnout.

A remote work setup opens up opportunities for more flexible work schedules, reduced overhead costs, and improved cross-team collaboration and productivity. But beyond that, you’re also promoting better work-life balance and overall employee wellness. As a bonus, you get to reduce your carbon footprint and take part in preserving the environment. Guarantee these perks by effectively supporting your remote team.

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