social media

Social Media Tools to Utilize for Marketing Efforts

Social media marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways to connect with current and potential customers. The platforms are designed for connecting with others, sharing information, and building relationships. The features of social media platforms allow businesses to target their audience, create brand awareness, and drive traffic to their websites. Additionally, social media platforms provide companies with insights into customer behavior that can help inform future marketing decisions.

However, attracting customers will only get you so far–you must keep them engaged. It would help if you utilized the right tools to create a successful social media marketing strategy. The right tools will help you automate repetitive tasks, measure your success, and find new opportunities for engagement.

Below are some essential social media marketing tools that every business should use:

Live Streaming

A person watching a livestream

Regarding live streaming, there are two platforms that business owners should focus on Facebook and YouTube. These platforms offer the most significant opportunity for reach and engagement.

Live streaming can be a great way to connect with customers and create brand awareness. It allows you to share your story, show off your products or services, answer customer questions, and more. And, because it’s live, there’s an element of excitement that other types of videos can’t match.

To maximize the effectiveness of your live streams, make sure to keep the following in mind:

For Facebook Live

  • Plan your stream ahead of time
  • Start with a strong introduction
  • Keep your broadcasts short (around 10 minutes)
  • Engage with viewers during and after the broadcast

For YouTube Live

  • Create a scheduled stream or go live spontaneously
  • Upload a custom thumbnail image
  • Write a compelling title and description
  • Engage with viewers in the chat

However, a live stream can be challenging to produce on your own. Several live streaming tools are available that can help make the process easier.

Streamyard is a live-streaming tool specifically designed for Facebook and YouTube. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to add graphics, lower thirds, and overlays. Streamyard also makes it easy to switch between multiple cameras and share your screen.

Community Page Engagements

Online communities can be significant areas for marketing on social media. By joining and engaging with online communities, businesses can connect with potential and current customers, build brand awareness, and find new opportunities for engagement. Additionally, online communities provide companies with insights into customer behavior that can help inform future marketing decisions.

Businesses should join online communities relevant to their industry or target market. They should also participate in discussions and offer valuable insights and advice personally. To maximize the effectiveness of their participation, businesses should make sure to:

  • Join relevant communities
  • Participate in discussions
  • Offer valuable insights and advice
  • Monitor feedback and respond promptly

Starting a community page might even be a good idea to consider. You can act as moderato,r set some guidelines, and let people engage with each other on topics related to your industry or business.

As mentioned earlier, knowing what’s being said about your brand online is essential. You also need to be able to quickly respond to any questions or concerns that customers may have. Additionally, you need to be able to automate repetitive tasks so that you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Boosted Ads

Facebook and Instagram offer businesses the ability to boost their posts and ads. Upgrading allows companies to reach a larger audience than they would be organic.

When boosting a post or ad, businesses should keep the following in mind:

  • The objective of the post or ad
  • The target audience
  • The budget
  • The placement
  • The duration
  • Monitoring feedback and engagement

Boosted ads differ from sponsored ads, created using Facebook’s Ads Manager tool. Sponsored ads are more customizable and offer businesses more control over their targeting options. However, it will be necessary to identify the cost of Facebook sponsored ads to ensure you don’t exceed the budget.

Social Media Scheduling

One of the most time-consuming aspects of social media marketing is creating and publishing content. And, if you’re not consistent with your content strategy, you’re likely to see a decline in engagement from your audience.

That’s where social media scheduling comes in. Social media scheduling allows you to automate creating and publishing content. It also allows you to space out your content so that you’re not bombarding your audience with too much information.

There are several social media scheduling tools that businesses can use, including:

  • Buffer
  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social
  • CoSchedule

Each of these tools has its unique features and benefits. However, they allow businesses to automate their content strategy and save time.


Social media is a powerful marketing tool. However, to be successful on social media, businesses need to clearly understand the platform and how they can use it to achieve their marketing objectives. Additionally, companies must be aware of the different tools and improve their social media marketing efforts.

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